Thursday, April 29, 2010

GIVEAWAY!!!! What could it be?

I have some very exciting news to break, but lets make it even more exciting with a giveaway.

That's right a giveaway! Tell all of your friends and family!



Over the next 2 weeks I am going to post some images from the inside and outside of one of Ipswich's Historic Buildings. I want you to email me in 25 words or less, what you would do with this building if it was yours to restore. Maybe its a Theatre Restaurant, or a Wedding Reception Venue. The possibilities are endless.

At the end of the 2 weeks the entrant with the most creative use of this space will win a
Peg & Kate Lunch Bag.

There will be an extra prize for the first person who can name the building from the images and the year it was built. I think a set of 6 Lyra Metallic Colour Giants Pencils would be a good prize.

So email your entries to I will post as many of your responses as I can. So get that imagination flowing, and tell me what you would do with this fabulous site.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Here are the first images. What could it be?

Email your entry to
Entries close 8pm Thursday 13th May 2010.
The winners will be announced on the blog
Friday 14th May 2010. Good Luck!


Nicole said...

oh wow, what an incredible building!!! I can't wait to hear more Cathy. I personally would love to have a little studio set up in there to make my hot toffee creations, alongside other small business owners and artists of course ....mmmm with a great restaurant, a museum...imagine going to work there every day! This is very exciting the possibilities are endless xx

imagine having a wedding reception there....

I won't be able to sleep tonight - this building and all its possibilities will be in my head xx

littlechrissy said...

That is just incredible! What is this building?
I'm thinking a new dance hall a la the original Cloudland that was so cruelly razed in the middle of the night.
There shall be a live croon-worthy swoon-worthy band, the ladies will wear deliciously pretty vintage dresses and carry fans to cool themselves on sticky summer nights, and the guys will be gentlemen - no fluoro, no muscle tops, no arrogance.
Tea and dainty cakes will, of course, be served, and all will have a jolly good time dancing until the wee hours.

Peg and Kate said...

All will be made clear soon. I love your ideas girls. Keep them coming.

deborah leigh said...

hey cathy, would tomorrow suit you at all to meet at handmade heaven? thurs no good for me! deb

Bec said...

What a gorgeous building, I suspect it's a church, maybe on Brisbane St. Like Nicole i'd love to see it as a combined or co-op studio space for local artists, designers and the like, maybe with a little coffee shop and retail space for all the artists. Dreams...

p.s. I heard you've put a deposit on the snoopy dress. Would you mind if I had a loan of her for the Ipswich fashion show on Saturday night, no one will wear her, she'll be in a corner display with a few friends.

Bec said...

Or could it be related to ballroom dancing and antiques??

Peg and Kate said...

Ohhhh! you may be onto something there Bec. You are welcome to use the Snoopy Dress in your display. I'll pick it up next week. ;)

Julie @ Earthly Jewels said...

OMG Cath, What a building. I would turn it into a Manhattan Loft/studio/shop for everyone to sell there fantastic wares. The possibilities are just endless. Great idea.