Monday, August 17, 2009

Introducing Miss Rose

Introducing my best buddy Miss Rose.

Miss Rose is very involved in the Peg & Kate label. And is always
asking me for ways she can contribute to Peg & Kate.

She is a huge help to me at the Markets. I don't know how
I would manage without her.

So when I suggested she start writing a regular piece on the blog
she was naturally very excited.

Miss Rose is going to be talking about something that all kids love.

Online games! Miss Rose and her friends are always finding new and exciting
games online, so she has decided she will share a few of them with our Peg & Kate

Miss Rose will be trialling the games and then giving them a Fun Rating. So stay
tuned for Miss Rose's spot about Online Games.


Me and My 4 Fellas said...

I am super excited about Roses' articles on your blog Cathy.
Happy writing.


PretaPawte said...

I look forward to Miss Roses Posts.
Not sure if this counts as an good game for kids but I love this site and visit everyday..not sure if its the sort of thing that kids are into these days?

Sandrine said...

Oh what an exciting mission for Miss Roses...and a beautiful pic of both of you;)

Unknown said...

What a great idea ! I'll look out for the posts , thanks .